U.S. Citizen or legally admitted permanent resident.
Low income level (Any family with an income below the poverty level table is determined by a table sent by the State)
General Eligibility Requirements:
Deficient in Basic Skills (Spanish, English and Mathematics) (It is evidenced by Transcription of Credits or Certification indicating the grades)
Being at risk of desertion, absence or suspension problems (Evidence with School Certification or Withdrawal Letter)
In the process of learning the English language (It is evidenced with notes, Registration and Course Certificate)
Wandering or Substitute Home (It is evidenced with Certification from the Department of the Family)
Young pregnant woman or parents raising (It is evidenced by laboratory, prenatal card and parents raising is evidenced by Child’s Birth Certificate)
Veteran’s children (It is evidenced in the Form 214 issued by the Veterans Administration)
Offender (Problems with justice that does not involve a serious crime, evidenced by the Certification of the Criminal Partner, Certificate of Conduct and Court Document)
Young people below the academic level required for their age (Evidenced by School Certification)
Young person with physical or mental impairment, including learning problems (It is evidenced by Medical Certification, School Certification, PEI, Vocational Rehabilitation Document)
Chronic health condition (Evidenced by Medical Certificate)
That the father or mother does not have a High School Diploma (It is evidenced by Transcription of Credits from the father or mother)
Be a resident of a Public Residential recognized by a security agency as a high criminal incidence (evidenced by Police Certification or Case Manager)
Be a resident of a Special Community and / or Section 8 (This is evidenced by a list of special communities and Section 8 Lease Agreements)
Be a resident of the Municipality of San Juan
U.S. Citizen or legally admitted permanent resident.
Low income level (Any family with an income below the poverty level table is determined by a table sent by the State)
General Eligibility Requirements:
Wandering or Substitute Home (It is evidenced with Certification from the Department of the Family)
You are not attending school even if you are enrolled for a period of six months or more (evidenced by School Certification or Withdrawal Letter)
School dropout (evidenced by School Certification or Withdrawal Letter)
That he has completed his fourth year or its equivalent and has had deficiencies in basic skills (It is evidenced by Transcription of Credits, Diploma, or Certification indicating the notes)
That you have completed your fourth year or its equivalent and are in the process of learning English language (It is evidenced by notes, registration and course certificate)
Young pregnant woman or parents raising (It is evidenced by laboratory, prenatal card and parents raising is evidenced by birth certificate of the child)
Veterans' children (It is evidenced by the form 214 issued by the Veterans Administration)
Offender (Problems with justice that does not involve a serious crime, is evidenced by Certification of Official Socio Penal, Certificate of Conduct and Court Document)
Young person with physical or mental impairment, including learning problems (It is evidenced by Medical Certification, School Certification, PEI, or Vocational Rehabilitation document)
Chronic health condition (evidenced by Medical Certificate)
That the father or mother does not have a High School Diploma (It is evidenced by Transcription of Credits from the father or mother)
Be a resident of a public residential recognized by a security agency as a high criminal incidence (evidenced by Police Certification or Case Manager)
Be a resident of a Special Community and / or Section 8 (This is evidenced by a list of special communities and Section 8 Lease Agreements)
That the father or mother has problems with controlled substances or alcohol. (It is evidenced by Certification of the Health Specialist who provides the treatment)
Services offered at the One Stop Career Center to Youth People Out of School:
Tutoring, training in study skills and strategy to motivate participants to complete their high school including the prevention of school dropout
Alternative High School
Work experience, with or without pay, that includes academic and occupational education
Training in occupational skills according to occupations in demand
Education offered concurrently to work preparation activities and training in occupations
Leadership Development Opportunities
Support Services
Tracking Services
Comprehensive guidance and counseling Services
Financial Education
Training in Business Skills
Services that provide information on the labor market (jobs)
Activities that help postsecondary studies and training
You must meet the following specific requirements:
Citizen of the United States or permanent resident legally admitted
Social Security number
Older than 18 years-old
Low income
Be enrolled in Selective Military Service Men
Live below the income level, according to the "Living Standard Income Level"
Services offered at the One Stop Career Center:
Self-management Services in the Resource Center where you have accessible information to the labor market, job offers, referrals, access to computer use, fax machine and necessary material for job search procedures.
Comprehensive Services adapted to your individual needs for the development of your occupational career such as: comprehensive assessment of skills, career planning and development of an individual employment plan to achieve the occupational goals of our clients.
Specific Services of: Counseling, Short-term Prevocational Services, Work Experience and Internships Connected to Occupations and Careers, Financial Literacy Services, Job Search, English Language Learning integrated with the Educational Training Program, Support Services, among others.
You must meet the following specific requirements:
Citizen of the United States or permanent resident legally admitted
Social Security Card
To be 18 years old or more
Be a resident of the Municipality of San Juan
Be enrolled in Selective Military Service Men
Have been terminated by closure, dismissal or termination of employment
Services offered at the One Stop Career Center:
Self-management Services in the Resource Center where you have information accessible to the labor market, job offers, referrals, access to computer use, fax machine and necessary material for job search procedures.
Comprehensive Services adapted to your individual needs for the development of your occupational career such as: comprehensive assessment of skills, career planning and development of an individual employment plan to achieve the occupational goals of our clients.
Specific Services of: Counseling, Short-term Prevocational Services, Work Experience and Internships Connected to Occupations and Careers, Financial Literacy Services, Job Search, English Language Learning integrated with the Educational Training Program, Support Services, among others.
Identify job offers in private industry
Perform a pairing of these offers with the profiles of the clients registered in the SIAC file system, as well as with the clients that visit our One Stop Career Center
Refer participants to qualifying job offers
Register customers and Services at our SIAC file system (Form 506)
Bring the identification card to the beneficiaries or applicants of the program
Issues certifications of Services and / or benefits (Form 511)
Conducts guidance and sampling for the REA Program
Refer to support Services for summary preparation with WIOA staff
Refer participants of unemployment compensation benefits to initial assessment and determination of eligibility, under WIOA funds
General Eligibility Requirements:
Displaced person receiving or exhausted unemployment benefits
Persons employed under Law 52
People who receive TANF
Identify job offers in private industry for Veterans
Make a match of these offers with the profiles of veterans registered in the system or applicants visiting the One Stop Career Center
Provides individualized Case Management to make it easier for veterans to get over the barriers they present to achieve employment placement
Refer to other Services for veterans
General Eligibility Requirements:
Disabled Veteran or eligible spouse
Homeless Veteran
Veteran with limited resources
A member of the service recent separated from military service, who at some point in the last 12 months has been unemployed for 27 or more consecutives weeks
Counseling and guidance
Assessment to determine eligibility for Services
Orientation to family members about the vocational rehabilitation process of the applicant or consumer
Identification of needs for rehabilitation
Referrals to other agencies
Physical or mental restoration
Student-oriented transition activities to get on track in tasks related to an employment goal or post-secondary activities (Law No. 51)
Grant of: training, personal adjustment, and vocational, technical / vocational, university, textbooks, training materials
Transportation and support to cover additional costs incurred by the person while participating in the vocational rehabilitation process
Interpreters to deaf or deaf-blind
Blind readers, educational rehabilitation, orientation and mobility for the blind and deaf-blind
Personal assistant while the person with a disability receives vocational rehabilitation Services
Technological assistance in rehabilitation and technological equipment
Coordination to acquire occupational licenses, tools, equipment and initial capital
Assistance in the search, placement and retention of employment
Classes: art of drive and equipment adapted for vehicles
Services according to the needs of the individual
General Eligibility Requirements:
Suffer a physical or mental impairment
The physical or mental impairment constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment
The applicant requires vocational rehabilitation Services to prepare, obtain or retain employment consistent with their strengths, resources, priorities, skills, functional residual capacities and informed selection
Presumption that the applicant can benefit from vocational rehabilitation Services to obtain employment
Ensure that all Puerto Ricans have access to a liberating, comprehensive and relevant education that will help them fully develop in their lives
Guide the participants so they can finish fourth year
Assistance for placement exams for adults and youth
General Eligibility Requirements:
Not having completed fourth year of high school
Family problems
School dropouts
Economic disadvantage, among others
Provide temporary financial assistance to families with children without support from one or both parents while preparing for employment and ending dependence on government assistance
Provide financial assistance to older adults, blind people, children and adults with special needs
Redirect resources with the objective of creating jobs and expanding training, retraining and employment opportunities to promote the self-sufficiency of the participants in our programs, through initiatives such as business incubation and community economic development
Comply with at least a 50% participation rate in activities allowed in the program, of the total active cases depending on the state contributions for Services to the population that qualifies to the program
General Eligibility Requirements:
Person 65 years or older
Legally blind people
Families with children whose parent is missing due to death, neglect or disability
Persons totally and partially disabled, over 18 years old
Provide adequate, safe and affordable housing alternatives
Improve the living conditions of low-income families in San Juan and other needy citizens
Access and guidance for the federal HOME “Home Investment Partnership” program to make it easier for people with limited resources to acquire a decent, safe and sanitary home
General Eligibility Requirements:
Comply with income limits established according to the housing program to apply
Identify job offers in private industry for people over 55 years of age eligible for the program
Make a match of these offers with the client's competences
Provides individualized Case Management to make it easier for their clients to exceed the barriers they present to get employment placement
Refer to other Services of the program
General Eligibility Requirements:
Be over 55 years old
You must be registered with the Employment Service of the Department of Labor
Be unemployed
Comply with the financial requirements required as applicable
Build self-sufficient families by strengthening agricultural workers, rural and urban communities
Promote social justice through promotional programs and activities
General Eligibility Requirements:
Have worked in the Agricultural Industry and it has not been 2 years, or if it was for 25 days or more within the past 24 months, or generated more than $800.00
Be a United States citizen
Born after 1960 and if you are a man, you must be registered in the Selective Service
Be unemployed and want to train to get a better salary inside or outside the farms
Offers integrated services residents of the Municipality of San Juan to address and promote solutions to their family problems and particular situations in each sector, aimed at improving their quality of life
Train citizens in the identification of their strengths, strengthen the skills, attitudes and essential conditions for their improvement and well-being
Promote self-management, self-sufficiency and creation of microenterprises
Coordinates employment opportunities for Veterans in the community
Help with career preparation and contribute to its stability and employment through training (various courses)
Assists veterans in the creation, development, growth and sustainability of new microenterprises, Electronic Commerce (3 phases)
General Eligibility Requirements:
Services and Eligibility Requirements Program:
Housing / Counseling Agency
First Purchase, Loss Prevention and Reverse Mortgages-person who wants to fix their finances, buy or rent their home, is in danger of losing it due to non-payment or wants to make a reversible mortgage.
Legal Services
Be 50 years of age or older, in the process or at risk of losing your home
Paving New Paths to Success
Young person aged 18-24 who has problems with the justice system (other than sex, except prostitution) that is a resident of Puerto Rico
Employment / Training
• People who have had problems with justice, the criminal record is eliminated if they qualify to be displaced
Evaluation system for young people aged 16-24
Determination of applicant's eligibility
Fourth Year Diploma and a Technical Degree
Once admitted, you receive the following Services; lodging, food, career exploration, technical career training, external certifications and professional licenses that apply to careers, uniforms, medical evaluations, economic stipend, recreation, participation in cultural events, labor transition Service, job placement and review from ASVAB