Imagen de la sala de conferencias Centro Gestión Única

Providing Services to Participants One Stop Career Center-American Job Center


The Workforce Opportunities and Innovation Act (WIOA) states that the One Stop Career Center-American Job Center (OSCC-AJC) is the place where training and employment services are offered to adults, displaced workers, and develop their skills and abilities in order to improve their quality of life through their educational and occupational development.


In our OSCC-AJC the visitors will be able to find in one place a variety of services that support their training and job search preparation processes.


Upon arrival at the OSCC-AJC Reception Area, the visitor receives an orientation of the services offered. You can access the Resource Center service where you can obtain information about the labor market, job offers, referrals, printer and material necessary for the job search process.

Imagen de la sala de conferencias Centro Gestión Única

In addition, the OSCC-AJC has the services of the programs of the Department of Labor and Human Resources, the Employment Security Negotiated, Employment Division (Wagner-Peyser) related to claims of the benefit for unemployment, employment registration and assistance in the search for employment.


The OSCC-AJC is supported by partners, public or private entities, with or without profit, state or federal. The representative of each entity is responsible for the administration of the programs of his agency and for offering the services in the OSCC-AJC. Partners participate collaboratively in order to avoid duplication and increase flexibility in the provision of services to customers.


WIOA classifies partners as mandatory or optional. At present, the One Stop Career Center- American Job Center of the Municipality of San Juan has the following:


Mandatory Partners: Department of Labor and Human Resources-Wagner Peyser; Vocational Rehabilitation Administration; Department of Education.


Optional Partners: Family Department; Municipal Housing Department (HUD); Municipal Family Department (CSBG); Agricultural Worker Programs (PathStone); Program for people over 55 years of age (AARP); Office of Veterans Services.


We invite you to visit us so that you have access and you can benefit from our services. We're waiting for you.

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